Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Ab Roller

**Warning, stretch and warm up accordingly before attempting**
Target: abdominal muscles, upper and lower back, deltoid.

1. Start with the ab roller a foot from your feet. If you do not have an ab roller, use a sweat shirt, cloth, or piece of cardboard that will glide over the surface you are exercising on.

2. Place your hands on the handles of the ab roller (or shoulder width apart on your sweatshirt) and slowly extend forward keeping your arms straight. When your chest is almost at the ground (a few inches) you have reached the out position.
3. In the out position, pause for a second and slowly contract your abdominal muscles to return to the starting position. This is one rep.

If you are a beginner, do 2 sets of 15 with a 90 second break between each set.
If you are more advanced, do 3 sets of 15. (Rock on!)

If this proves to be too challenging, you may modify to have the starting position on your knees instead of the platform of your foot. If this proves to be too easy, try it on one foot and alternate.

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